Saturday 26 September 2009

Service Class

In the later session the project team discussed about class attribute and operation .
here you can see the attribute and operation definition for the Service Class which is gathered and agreed by all members of the team.

service class
The operations of the service class should be discussed in detail.
Below I explain parameter definition for each method of this class:

AddService(dateAdded, dueDate, relatedCustomer, priority, relatedSystem, serviceType, description, additionalcmment, importantData) //this method has clean definition and all parameters are clear to understand
(all) // the word , all means that this method is overloaded and will be called by diffrenet types of parameter , it is called when the service info has to be edited
DeleteService(serviceId) //for delete a service from the list of services
Search(all) // we need different type of search among service list
ChangePriority(serviceId,newPriority) //Admin call this method to changing the priority of the services
ChangeProgress(serviceId,newProgress) // in each step tech must be updated the service progress by calling this method
ChangeNote(serviceId,newnote) //for editing the entered supervisor notes
ChangeAdminQuality(serviceId,newQuality) // each service has a quality stated by admin for changing its value this method must be called
AssignTech(serviceId,techList) //each service must be assigned to a tech
UpdateAssignTech(serviceID,newTechList) //for changing thech(s) assingned to a service
UpdateStatus(serviceId,newStatus) // for changing the status of the service ,each service may be at one of these status : active ,stopped or finished
ChangeTechDiagnosis(serviceId,newThechDiagnosis) //tech might be enforced to change his or her diagnosis this operation is responsible for tech diagnosis
ChangeDueDate(serviceId,newDate) // for changing the due date

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